Love & Courage

Would you rather go to a war and come home scarred for life, or live a life through loving embrace. Think upon this very carefully! I hear all too often the extreme lessons in life, the hardships, the down trodden, rub your nose in manure are the greatest lessons, all in a Poetic frame. “We…

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Denial! WHY??

This is a very serious subject, in all areas of human life, not just for TBI injured people who suffer in silence. At a TedTalk I listened to a young teacher talk about a student, the story was heart wrenching. There was a standing ovation with a resounding applause. Later, I spoke with the disheartened…

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Anxiety – Sleep!

The Injured brain Fatigues easily and requires more sleep to recover! The same sleep required by a new born baby. Babies sleep in order for their brains to grow. The development of the brain and body in tandem will continue its evolution for the next 24-25 years.  have patience – you have a TBI injury! the…

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Remembering back how hard I fought to find someone, just one doctor or therapist, who understood the torturous struggle how a serious TBI affected my life! What I write about gives hope to people who never hear they have the ability to recover. These words touch people around the globe! How could I not write to…

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Your New Life Beyond TBI

Personality Change, is a Myth! Your new life as you recover does not mean you have a new personality! This is a myth! Are you the same person when your mother changed your diapers? Or when you were 10 years old, charging through some field, running around in a classroom with the teacher yelling to…

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Hope Is Greater!

March is TBI Awareness month.  HOPE & Recovery are the only subjects of Traumatic Brain Injuries I will be covering. TBIs affect over 10’s of millions individuals each year around the globe.  Instead of talking about the trauma, let’s look at Improvement to Recovery and the maintenance never spoken of! I know this subject intimately, I…

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Learn To Listen!! People Need To Be Heard

Turn off the cell phone, close the computer, sit with a new or old friend, face to face and Listen to Each Other. We open our Hearts and Connect when we Listen. When we listen to others we expand our horizons. Promotes the heart and compassion to be present. Loneliness comes from disconnections! We have…

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Don’t Hold You Back: TBI Recovery!

Nothing is ever perfect in life! We humans are “Perfectly Imperfect” and so is life I was in my (Vestibular) therapists’ office yesterday for yet another treatment due to a slight fall in January. We spoke on the critical factors of my brain’s delicateness. Although I have recovered, the next slight fall could severely damage or…

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Stumbling Upon Mindfulness: One Veteran’s Afghanistan Experience

I personally define mindfulness as the space between cause and effect where our expressed differences define our relationship with the present.  I know it’s not the definition with which you might be most familiar, but my mindfulness journey is rooted in a story of chaos, desperation, and survival. It is with great distinction to have Reg McCutcheon, a retired…

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When Kindness Is Necessary

Diane and I sat in my car, the air was heavy! Backing the car from it’s parking spot I asked, is there something you need to talk about? Diane began: “I came to Taos because my best friend killed herself yesterday. She jumped off the Taos Canyon Bridge! No one knew, she was so strong…

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TBI: Brain Fatigue!

Sensations of the Brain ~ Fatigue  Traumatic Brain Injuries and fatigue are synonymous! Fatigue, if not taken care of, more symptoms will plague a person. Sensations from the brain are physical warning signs! If we do not understand what to look for, the ability to Function worsens.   Have you ever held a baby as the infant goes to sleep,…

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How Do TBIs Happen??

Over 10 million people are affect by TBIs on an annual basis, around the globe! Yet, most do not know what to do, nor have an idea as to the symptoms of a concussion or TBI [Traumatic Brain Injury].  In the forth coming weeks, after an  injury – a deluge of symptoms will reveal themselves….

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First Amnesia Episode!

It was a beautiful sunny day in Colorado. I was feeling happy working at home with my three ROTTWEILERS. Suddenly realizing I needed something from downstairs. My three Rotties and I began our decent rounding the L shaped stairs of my Victorian home, passing a huge aviary standing by sun lit window. Singing birds where…

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15 Year Conscious Coma

It’s a long winding bumpy road “alone,” living with TBI’s and devastating physical injuries! I was not even a shadow of myself. And I am terribly vulnerable in your hands now! Be careful what you feast on, said a new friend! Move forward and never look back. There is no hindsight with TBIs! There were…

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Let’s Talk About Recovery!!

RECOVERY!  is hardly or never mentioned in many cases! All to often we hear in many health or injury dilemmas: “You have a serious [brain injury], you will need to adapt your life style permanently.” Would Death be more of an option, bringing a sense of relief from life’s agonies? If we could remember once…

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Being Oddly Normal – Inspires People!

First: What is Normal? Leonard Nimoy, the infamous Spock on Star Trek was told by Gene Roddenberry, “be different than everybody else.“ Star Trek was a huge success for the uniqueness in cast, and its visionary Gene Roddenberry. We are completely ourselves, being human, with Quirks!   BLEND OUT with Your Quirks! What brought TBI’s to…

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It’s Brain Pain! Not a Headache

My Brain HURTS! as I argued with the Neurologist. It’s Brain Pain; my Brain is sloshing as if it were a dingy on a stormy ocean. “My Brain feels like Scrambled Eggs, “I can’t think, it is as if I were moving through thick molasses up a icy hill.”  I would repeat; “I have Brain Pain.” My…

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Amnesia: I Saw Myself Evaporate to Dust

I had Transient Amnesia! My brain lived in parallel universes not knowing who and where I am, while Logically navigating through an Amnesia day! In hindsight, I remember the entire day, all activities accomplished, with considerable clarity. As a Scientist, this Fascinates me! I am aware of the moment when entering Amnesia. I watch myself…

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Time & Anxiety Are Incompatible Bed-Fellows

Footprints in the Sands of Time is told in stories of our lives. Our Time here is Very Personal to all of us! I agonized over the 13 years of loss in recovery from multiple Traumatic Brain Injuries coupled with many surgeries to repair my Humpty Dumpty body. I saw my life as being wasted; lacking…

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Anger!! The GateKeeper to Change

Anger, one of the most misunderstood and underrated of emotions. This is the gatekeeper of major change. Anger possesses the very essence of Change. When we look or experience anger, most are afraid of its power. All emotions are compelling. We view emotions as negative or positive, and yet they are only emotional responses to…

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